

Come and join us!   Playgroup IS in Session 

Play Group is open when Qld Public schools are open, 9.30 -11.30am.

Help us keep our community safe and Please do not attend if you have any  COVID symptoms.

Our playgroup has been supporting families in Mudgeeraba and surrounds for over 25 years. We’re still going strong, and we’d love you to join us!

Mudgeeraba Playgroup provides a safe, fun and non-structured environment where babies to pre-schoolers can play, learn and grow. Our playgroup also offers their parents and care-givers a chance to share experiences, find encouragement, and make friends. Each parent/caregiver is asked to bring morning tea for his or her own child. We provide tea and coffee for adults and there is a roster to bringing a plate of morning tea to share. 

Playgroup parents remain as primary care giver and responsible for their children whilst they attend Play Group.

When: Monday to Friday, (except public and school holidays). Come any day that suits, or multiple days if you want to!

Where: Playgroup is held in purpose – built facilities within the main building of Mudgeeraba Uniting Church. We have lots of toys and play equipment for all ages, craft activities, a sandpit and quiet, shaded grounds.

Cost: Cost per session is $6 per family. There is also a $16 per year registration fee. This helps provide for the upkeep and purchase of new toys and craft material. Parents are asked to help put away toys at the end of the session.

For more information, please contact our Playgroup Co-ordinator, Leesa, on 0416 471 805.

You can also phone the church on 5525 1309, or email us at

  Like our Playgroup Facebook page for all the latest updates.